Blending teaches us body mechanics and positioning. Too far from the aggressor we limit ability to apply technique. Too close, we put ourself in harm’s way. Right blending sets us for success. It teaches us how to harmonize with the violent attack. A technique that works for straight punch to the face is very different than a right round house knocker. To understand the movement of the aggressor, the positioning of their legs, the distance of the attack, and how much force is coming all serves as information serves that I need to enter at what speed, for how much distance, and from what direction. To harmonize to the aggressor is to connect with your aggressor. In time, it’s less mental and less mechanical and the windows of opportunity unveil.
To blend appropriately requires proper timing. The speed of their attack needs to be meant with the speed of our movement. To avoid a punch to the face requires the speed to bob and weave. The rush forwards in a tackle requires the speed of the legs to flow right or left to let them fly by or apply a flip. Timing reflects our speed of response. Our aggressor is our guide, our teacher. We must match the intensity of their pace to meet the attack to properly neutralize. Too slow we will be hit, but too fast, they will be aware of our movement and catch on. The idea is seamless transparent movement. Neutralization requires our ability to hide our ability.
To blend appropriately and to have good timing requires our ability to respond not react. We have to stay relaxed not tense. This is challenging in a situation where someone wants to hurts us. But that is where the training lies. To stay relaxed and override instinctual survival mechanism of tension develops our sensitivity. Through sensitivity we feel the subtleties of the attack opening windows for joint locks and join manipulation. Knowing the body mechanics will unveil the structural limitations. If we are tense we are limiting our capacity leading to a grappling match or areas of a fight that sets us up for failure. The more the fear the constricted and rigid we are limiting our capacity to sense body movements and be in the present moment. Sensitivity training teaches us how to stay loose so that as we blend with an attacker we work to make techniques easy and efficient.
Move from the Center
Perhaps the most important and perhaps the most difficult to learn component is to move from our center. While in our culture we give credence to physical muscle and strength, there is another strength that is available to all of us called Ki, the life force energy. This Ki is essential for proper neutralization. Its power without tension; effortless and relaxed. Once we tap into this internal power and learn to move this center and infinite capacity is available to us that is beyond violence and neutralization- but the holism of body, mind, and spirit. It becomes a way of life, how we respond to our inner emotions, how we relate to the world, our families, and the work we do in this life. In self defense, the ability to move from the center is what gives us ability to use the strength, anger and aggression of the attacker against them no matter how big or strong.